Animation movies are enjoyed by the young and old alike. The most recent development in the category of animation films are the 3D animation movies. Ever wondered how the animation movies are made? Obviously with the help of animation software!
With the advent of 3D movies, three dimensional animation software has become a very important technology. Apart from films, animation software is being used in many industries for developing 3D computer generated images. This helps them to understand and design the machines better. In the film industry animation software is used to create and manipulate several characters and objects. Apart from this gaming industry makes use of animation software for various types of games. The list of animation software used for animation is long. The top three animation software applications used are MAYA, 3D Max and Poser.
MAYA: This is the latest and most widely used animation software. It is used mainly for 3D computer animation. Introduction of MAYA has resulted in many designers choosing MAYA over 3D Max. The software is used in both non-linear and linear animation and has a user-friendly interface. It has in-built shading and lighting effects and generates simply amazing results. In 2003, MAYA won the Academy Award for technical and scientific achievement.
3D Max: Among all the animation software, this is the oldest 3D animation software. It is being used in TV serials and movies even today. Before MAYA, this was the most widely used software for 3D animation. Apart from forming characters, this animation software supports character animation as well.
Poser: This is another animation software commonly used by professionals in the animation industry. After MAYA and 3D Max, the Poser animation software is used commonly. It focuses mainly on animation and character rendering effects.
Other animation software programs commonly used by people are AC3D, Cinema 4D etc. If you want to choose the right animation software it is important that you consider your use and then go for the best in the market.